Tips To Boost Your Immune System

We are all living through a very stressful time. Life has changed as we knew it, and we are doing what we can to make sure our families stay safe and healthy.

I want to start by saying that I am not a doctor. So, why am I qualified to talk about boosting your immune system? Well, I have spent a lot of my life sampling every sickness out there, missing so much work and so much life because I was “sick again”! When I had my son, my house was always filled with the sicknesses that came home from daycare. So, I have put some practices into place for self care and supplementation that have really helped me and my family.

Stress can take a huge toll on your physical and mental health. It can cause digestive issues, rapid breathing, high blood pressure, headaches, fertility problems, heart attacks and so much more. It’s important to know your body. Many people go through life and do not recognize what their body is feeling. Take inventory of how you feel. Does anything hurt, are you tired all the time, is your appetite good?


If you are stressed here are some things you can and should do to help:


Meditate – This helps to ground you, calm your nerves and increase mindfulness. Not to mention it gives you some time to decompress and practice self care. I love an app called Calm for meditations –


Exercise – Exercise is great for mental and physical health. Exercise increases the serotonin levels in the brain(serotonin is the mood stabilizing chemical). Exercise is also a great outlet for relieving stress.


Walk – Take a walk, but make that the only thing you are doing, so you can stop and smell the flowers and really appreciate being in nature and alone in your thoughts. No phones, kids, spouses.


Sleep – Get 8-10 hours of sleep. This helps your body to be able to cope with things better and lowers your cortisol levels(Cortisol is the stress hormone in your body).


Watch a movie or read a book – Get lost in a good movie or book.


Daily self care – Schedule daily self care. Even if it is only 10 minutes to meditate, walk, or take a bath, this is so important.


Eat Healthy – Eating healthy makes us feel better both mentally and physically. Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies. Eliminate processed foods. The more fresh food you can eat, the better. Also, stay hydrated. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.


Journal – Write down how you are feeling. This is a great outlet for stress. This will also help you to keep track of your triggers and the time of day when you have the most stress.


Essential oils – There are many calming oils out there. The important thing, is to find the one or combination that works for you (chamomile, lavender, bergamot orange, and lemon are just a few).


So, we addressed stress and mental well being above, but what about physical well being and healthy immune systems? Everything suggested above will help with your physical health as well. However, there are some additional things you can take take to help your immune system.


Below are the supplements I take to stay healthy:


Vitamin B – Helps regulate your immune system, gives you energy and lowers stress levels.


Vitamin C – One of the most powerful antioxidants for improving your immune system.


Zinc – Helps the immune system fight off bad bacteria and viruses.


Echinacea – Helps with reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar and improving immunity.


*I take airborne daily to get the above


Astragalus –Helps with fatigue, boosting your immune system, digestive issues and respiratory infections.


Mushrooms – Sure mushrooms are healthy to eat, but getting a good powder or supplement packs in a variety of mushrooms that all aid in a healthy immune system.


Elderberry- Packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system.


Vitamin D – Many people do not realize they are low in D. This is a really important supplement for the immune system. Even if you live in a sunny place like I do, you will not get enough from the sun alone.


Apple Cider Vinegar – This has a ton of antiviral properties, and as such is great to boost your immune system. I like the Goli Apple Cider Gummies –


*It is good to take a multivitamin, but you might need additional supplementation. You should talk to your doctor before starting something new.


Here are some additional things I do to keep my immune system healthy:


Acupuncture and Chiropractic – Both help with your immune system as well as pain and swelling


Exercise – Daily exercise feels good and keeps your body healthy


I cannot stress enough, that this is not a one size fits all article. You need to find what works for you, and what you can tolerate. The best way to do this, is to get to know your body. Also, during these stressful times, make sure to take account of the good things in your life – family, pets, roof over your head etc. Gratitude helps with stress. Own your happiness, so you can live a purposeful life filled with joy.