Own Your Happiness


This topic is very near and dear to me. Why, because it takes a long time for the average person to understand and really put into practice owning your own happiness. Today’s world is filled with stress. There are pandemics, rioting, virtual school, work stress, financial stresses and so much more.


I am a very type A personality. I am stubborn, determined, persistent, organized and driving. When things do not go my way, I get stressed out. For years, I would have a bad day at work and bring that stress home with me. It would be on my mind all night and essentially ruin my evening.


I am a working mom. I work full time, have a five year old, meals to cook, a house a clean, workouts to be done and oh yes, I just added a blog and am getting my health and life coach certification. These things keep me busy and could really cause a lot of stress. Stress is harmful to your mental and physical well being.


I want to be happy, a good mom, and be able to spend quality time with my family. Too many people have other stressors on their mind when they are spending time with their friends and family. These stresses are taking away quality time and robbing you of your happiness.


One of my greatest bosses was a CMO, who was asked how she could be a great leader and a great mom at the same time. She had the best answer, which was that she can’t do both at the same time. So, when she is mom, she is not working, she is being mom and when she is at work, she is being a leader. If you want to be happy, be present. I come home from work and if I had a bad day, tell my husband about it and then move on and be present with my family. I deserve that and so do you.


I choose to do all the things I listed above, because they make me happy. They fill my cup. Someone recently said to me, you can’t operate from an empty cup, so self development and self care are so important.


Your legacy should not be that you were a great worker, with great work ethic. Those are important, but they should only a piece of the big picture. What do you want to be remembered for? I want to be a great mom, who raises a happy, healthy son. I want my son to look up to me and think that his mom is a happy person, who is always there for him and does things to leave her mark on this world and make herself happy.


Your happiness will not be the same as someone else’s. You have to dig deep and figure out what makes you happy and fills your cup. You cannot have a happy marriage, be a good parent and a good employee if you are not happy with yourself. And if you aren’t happy, change things. I know that sounds easy, and it is not, but you only get one life and you are not guaranteed tomorrow. So, I promise it is worth the work. Anything worth it in this life is work. This does not mean there will not be bad days and tragedies. It does mean that you know your worth and will be able to cope better.


I wish you luck on your journey, whatever it is. Know there are many resources to help you. Be happy, you deserve it!