Cook with your Kids and Create Lasting Memories

When I reflect on my childhood, I fondly remember cooking and baking with my Mom and Grandmothers. Even today, it is always special to cook with my Mom. These are some of my favorite memories, and I hope I am able to create them with my son too.


Sure, cooking with kids can be a messy endeavor, that takes twice as long as doing it yourself, but the memories will last a lifetime as will the lessons. I am a pretty good cook, and am lucky to have been brought up with generations of great cooks that have passed down many wonderful recipes.


There are various ways to include your kids in the kitchen and even ways to ensure it is not a huge mess. When I bake with my son, before we start, I put all the ingredients in the measuring cups and just have him pour each one into the mixing bowl. If your child is old enough to know how to turn on the mixer…watch out! If you are using dry ingredients like flour, every kids first instinct is to turn the mixer on high. Talk about a floury snowstorm! Keep your cool, and laugh it off. Ask your child to help you clean it up before you move on to the next step. Kids love to help their mommies and daddies clean. I usually make sure to get the dry ingredients mixed in a separate bowl first and then when it is safe, let him help. But, remember this also depends on your kiddos age and if they can follow directions.


Kids love putting sprinkles on baked goods. Make sure to put a plate or baking sheet under your creation before letting them do sprinkles. Using cookie cutters are fun for kids, like play dough, only better. I find icing to be very messy and try to avoid it, if possible. Sometimes glazes are easier, as your child can just drizzle it on top. Kids also love to crack eggs. Have them crack the eggs into a separate bowl and then pour them into your mixture.


My son not only cooks with me, but is lucky to have a grandmother who cooks with him all the time. She taught him to make bread, jar salads, pizza, jam, cookies, cake, cupcakes and chicken tenders. He will hopefully remember these moments his whole life and one day will share them with his children.


Not only is it fun for kids to help you, but it gives them a great sense of accomplishment. I love the look on my child’s face, when he makes himself a sandwich all by himself. This my seem like an easy task to parents, but to little ones this is a pretty big feat. And so great for positive reinforcement


Remember, memories that last a lifetime are made in the kitchen. Include your kids, you won’t regret it. It is such a special bonding time, it teaches them many skills and creates a happy kid. And who knows, they might be a chef in training or the next Chopped Kids Champion!


P.S. Thanks Mom for all the great memories. I look forward to many more!